How my journey began
Every Journey starts with it’s first Step
Mine Started in a Closet
My Name is Penny Ragan
Over 30 years ago I came to a breaking point in my life. I was unsure of what I believed in, I was unsure of my life, I hadn’t a clue as to who I really am. I knew one thing, I wanted to know truth. Not what others think is the truth, Not what society has taught is truth, not what religion says is truth. I wanted to know TRUTH.. I wanted to know without a doubt what is truth.
I literately went into my bedroom closet and broke down in tears. I desperately cried out in prayer pleading to my chosen deity to reveal truth. I opened myself up to whatever answer would come to me. As the sobs began to tone down with a few little remaining sniffles I sat there in the closet. I looked up as if I could see beyond the the closet I placed myself in. I somehow knew that from this moment on new discoveries will enter into my life. I opened the closet door into the beginning of a new life.
To be honest had I known at that time where this journey would lead me I may have been frighted right back into that closet. It was so far away from what I had been taught that my old life is now unrecognizable. The more I became ready for the new truths to be reviled, one by one layers of lies, deceptions, false information and misinformation had been removed. The discoveries that I stumbled onto lead me to a new wondrous sometimes mysterious and magnificent new realities.
It wasn’t all easy, I had to make some tough decisions in my life, I made some mistakes as well as many successes. I continue to this day discovering new things, removing old blockages healing old wounds and making new strives.
Once I had a life of misery and pain, now I am grateful for everything.

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.
Chat with me
Text me with your number and a good time to talk.
Penny Ragan Phone: Text 972-824-4473