On this page I will give you updates on website. New additions, Holistic Liberty, Current Events how it affects Holistic Liberty.
Holistic Liberty response to Current Events.
Whatever areas need updated, I will update for you.
First update:
The Website at this current time has just been born into this world very recently. As I am currently the website developer I have lots to learn about creating it. Good news I’ve worked on websites before so I have a little bit of experience. I’ve worked with many different web hosting sites. This one has been highly recommended still new to me. Beings I’m not a professional website developer this has many new toys for me to play with it will take some time for me to learn them and develop the site. The template I have chosen came with sample pictures and sites. Thus why as I’m developing it you will see some strange words. Those words are used for the example sites. I choose the template I felt best fit Holistic Liberty. Currently I’m keeping some of the images that were originally on this template. Some of the reasons include. I like them they fit the image I want to give. In some cases I simply haven’t gotten around to working on that area.
You will see some apparent unfinished objects some appear to be a future plan for a future story. Actually in some way some are. Many were the examples on the template I didn’t want to delete because I’m not certain yet how to get them and I like the example. I currently plan to use them in the future until I figure out how to recreate those examples I’ll simply hang onto them giving you something to be curious about and look forward too in the near future.
You will see things moved around and changed as I continue to work on this site. You will see things added and taken away. I’ll do my best to keep you updated on the changes that occur if necessary the reason for it. Below you see some examples of pages I’m currently working on. In those pages yes there are obvious unused examples there. I have a lot of ideas popping in my head using some of the ideas from the template examples.
Be sure to keep checking in for updates and developments.
There are a number of possible reasons. Such as interested in products for sale and when they will be available.
Curious about what has changed and what new developments will come.
You can even check in simply because you’re bored for kicks and giggles.
When you do just imagine me figuring these things out.. Imagine how I am redoing things, testing different things, trying out new features and deciding if I like them.. of course for a laugh or two imagine the famous ooops didn’t mean to do that, darn, now I got to start over.
I’m working on the stores. I have a few items listed in service. Still trying to figure it all out and get rid of the bugs. I’m also currently working on a digital download in my store. Trying to figure out how to add that to the learning about you page in button form when I’m done. I’m learning about buttons. I’m learning how to make them work. In some cases I’ve decided that I need a professional for. When it’s safe to go visit my family in Grand Prairie (referring to coronavirus outbreak) I will have my son who is trained in this area to help me.
What I have done.
I figured out how to add my paypal to my store
I figured out how to postpone the store opening giving me extra time to work on it.
I figured out how to add digital products to the store.
I figured out how to add my social sites to my webpage
I figured out how to add my webpage to my social sites
I figured out how to add buttons to the pages
I obtained the website
I put some information on the website
I wrote and published my first blog on the website.
I drove my daughter crazy reading to her what I put on the website. (I think she’s rethinking coming over)
I’m sure I did more.
Still have many things on my to do list.
Look into other card processing options this site offers to add to the store .
Learn marking techniques to get the word out about this website.
Figure out how to attach my YouTube Channel to this site (Check me out at Holistic Liberty on YouTube)
Figure out how to upload, pictures so they are small and I can put them anywhere, thought I got it figured out but nooooo… grrr
Complete my book(s) and add them to products through digital downloads, could turn into a programm
Create products to sell.
Check out different delivery options for bought physical products that would work best for company and customers.
Prepare paperwork and system for delivering them for Phone & Video clients in service products.
Look into different online scheduling options for later when client base grows online.
Until Then Figure out best way to scheduled clients I receive online.
Keep creating and adding to website.
Write next blog about dealing with loss brought on by the Coronavirus aka COVID-19
Create more Video’s for YouTube Channel
Edit Video’s I’ve made so far. Edit new ones made.
Continue to drive my daughter and significant other crazy with this website.
I can go on and on… This gives you some Idea how much work goes into this.
Like I said, be sure to continue coming back to see the lastest updates and additions to this channel.
Thank You
Penny Ragan,
Holistic Life Mentor.
You now once again I forgot how to make the image smaller.. again grrr
NOTE: if you look into the reflection on the glasses you can see my computer.
Good news: I’m still learning, the more I do the more I figure out.
Update on today Monday April 27 2020
I’m trying to learn how to manage categories and add tags. That’s where the ops came into play. I’m working on finding ways to market this website. I’m aware of the importance of getting it out into the internet world for you all to enjoy and giggle at if necessary. Mostly I know I have something to share, something that can help others develop a better life for themselves by first discovering their internal truth. That’s for other pages. This page is updates.
One update, I have placed a new product. The other products I have for Hypnosis & Holistic Life Mentor I placed aside for now. I decided to have a Coronavirus special.
My phone/video services in Hypnosis and Holistic Life Mentor prices have been cut way, way, way, way, way did I mention way down. Due to the coronavirus outbreak many people have lost their jobs and business. I’m aware many of them have reached a breaking point and need help reconstructing their lives. Where I can not help them in areas of mental/emotional disorders (that goes to licensed psychologist and psychiatrist) as a Holistic Life Mentor I can help guide them to their own inner muse. This basically means, help guide them to their own solutions. Their inner muse is their internal creative self. Sometimes people need help getting intouch with the self. They need guidance to trigger it. I’m aware that’s what many people need right now to get them out of their slump COVID-19 placed them in. I too need an income so I can’t really offer my phone/video services for free. I can however give them a HUGE discount while we’re still going through this coronavirus slump.
Where my prices for Holistic Life Mentor usually averages around $197 an hour depending what plan you buy. Now all my phone/video services are only..$50.oo an hour.
Because the sale is only going to be for a short time I only have one option available for both Holistic Life Mentor and Hypnosis.
In normal times both Hypnosis and Holistic Life Mentor services I have more than one option for sale. Often one or more of those is on sale but not at this extremely low price. For instance Holistic Life Mentor may be on sale for $150 an hour vs, $197. First time hypnosis clients may get a deal at $100. first session vs, the normal price.
Also other options include buying more than one session at a time or add ons like adding Hypnosis to Holistic Life Mentor sessions.
Because I am offering this at a extremely low price I have no idea how long this offer will last. I cannot offer options to buy more at one time or to lower prices with addons. You will have to purchase it one at a time. If you want to add on a Hypnosis session to a Holistic Life Mentor session it will be $50. each. Even with that, you’re still getting a HUGE DEAL.
Keep in mind the 30 free consultation still remains. That’s the time we get to know each other and figure out together the best way this program can help you. It’s also a time you can ask questions to help you make the best decision for you. I do advice before purchasing a session you first get the free consultation. Eaither way the best way to set up an appointment with me through text. 214-624-8522
I’m still creating and adding more content to this site. I worked on explaining inner/internal muse. I used this current Coronavirus circumstance to help explain how I’m using my inner muse to help me.
I’m preparing to write a new blog, I’ve got the title written and hidden for now until I get it published. It’s set to be published May 1st. but if I don’t get on it I’ll have to delay it. It’s about dealing with the losses during coronavirus outbreak.
I’m learning about SEO, URL, RSS, feeds… Lot’s to learn for someone like me. Kind of reminds me of all I had to learn when I became an Armature Radio Operator aka HAM. I know it will take me awhile to figure it out. I also know I’ll get it figured out.
Still working on downloadable products.
I plan to find my stuff that’s somewhere around the apartment or in storage in order to make some products for sale. That products are tools I’ve used to help with self hypnosis techniques. They can also be used to help enhance the work done through the Holistic Life Mentorship program. I’m anxious to get some made and put on the website with instructions on how they’re used.
If you’ve noticed I learned how to put up a add banner on the top of the website. I haven’t quite figured out yet how to change the background on it.
Be sure to keep coming back to this site to check out the latest updates.
I like what I just now accidently did… How did I do that again.
Update: Monday April 27 2020
Still trying to figure it all out. Yes you guessed it a few more ops that’s not what I meant to do, with a few, darn I can’t seem to undo that one grrrs added.
This was actually an experiment I just did. This video is the first video I made on March 17 2020 for my YouTube channel. I wanted to try to upload a video onto my site. This is an UPDATE in the processes of happening…lol.. I will be trying to add new videos on other pages with other methods. I want to learn more than one method.
When I made this video I was experimenting with the video editor on my new computer. You can see some of the things I played with in the process of learning.
Update: Friday, May 1st 2020
Just wanted to keep you up with the latest. I was axious today to see if my schedualing actually worked… Yay it did. A couple of days ago I finally completed part two on my Blog COVID-19 AKA CORONAVIRUS MOVING FORWARD PART TWO DEALING WITH LOSS.
It even had two video’s connected. One from my YouTube channel and the other from another channel with Bruce Lipton. In this channel he explains more about the human flight or fight response and the connection with COVID-19 as well as how it affects the immune system.
I’m currently still working on the digital product I will be uploading for sale when it’s done. It will go with the “learning about you” page.
Finally after two long days of writing and figuring things out I get to update.
My significant other has been showing me programs more compatible for eBooks. I need to start learning how to use after I complete this digital book. I may practice with some of the articles I plan to add to this site. If things look a bit more professional in the near future you know why.
I had noticed when checking out my website some things that need fixing like I need to fix the linkedin connection. I also need to fix the pinterest connection. Currently working on the Update, (I notice it on to do list) I need to change the name of blog button on the Internal Muse page to “Getting to know you”
I also need to work more on the contact page. I just got a phone call I have to go and do something.
I want to apologise to anyone who may have sent me a text or voicemail and didn’t get a response. I just discovered that my phone wasn’t receiving text messages. I did a simple reset to fix it.. Whatcha ya gonna do, technical issues.
If you did send a text or left a message I didn’t receive please resend or send an email at holistic4liberty@gmail.com or penny@holisticliberty.net. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks - Penny
Before paying for product be sure to get your 30 minute free consultation, make appointments. Then pay
You decide during consultation which product fits you best. Ask as many questions as you need to get correct information . Together we can customize the right plan for you.
Be sure there is availability first for the time and days you need before paying for the sessions. After appointment is made and confirmed please give a 24 hour noticed if you need to reschedule or cancel. If no notice is given and you miss your call you will be given a 15 minute timeline to callback, coming out of your time. I have other clients to call. There are no refunds for unkempt appointments without a 24 hour cancellation or rescheduling notice.
You can reschedule only once without extra charge, If you continue to reschedule appointments it well be considered a new appointment, no refund will be given. Extra charge will be added as a new appointment.
You can cancel only once per appointment with 24 hour notice and get a refund. Further cancellations will be charged.
Text: 972-824-4473 give phone number to call and best time for free consultation and we will make the appointment during free consultation.