What is an Inner or Internal Muse?

Tell me about an Inner or Internal Muse

Lets start with answering the question what is a muse?

In greek and roman mythology a muse is one of the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who rules over Arts and Science. People usually associate muse with a spirit of inspiration especially for artistic and musical people. People who may have been internally inspired to write a moving poem or a sensational speech could say that they were inspired by a muse. People who get deeply absorbed in thought often feel inspirational and want to inspire others.

For the purpose of this program I will describe the inner muse or internal muse as your personal life creator. The keeper of your true self. Why a muse. Many people are unaware that we create our own lives. True we may not control all that goes on around us. As far as what goes on outside of us we’re all co-creators. That’s why it’s not all one individual. Regardless of the circumstances around us we do control how it affects us as well as how we act or react to it. In fact in the teaching of Hermes Trismegistus on the 7 hermetic principles written in “The Kybalion” is the Principle of Cause and Effect. Every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. Where it’s true we may not be able to control everything around us we do control how we act and react to them, as well as how it affects us. The cause would be the outside influence the effect is up to you. The outside influence also is an effect to another cause. You, yourself are a cause to an effect.

We can go round and round on that. I don’t want to get away from the point. Point being, regardless of what happens in life we choose how it affects us. We ourselves are a cause. Meaning what we do, decisions we make, how we behave and so forth trigger an effect that has an influence of what goes on around us. When we choose to blame everyone and circumstances around us for how our life turns out we take control away from ourselves and give it to whomever we blame or the circumstances we blame. In so doing people often attempt to demand that which we blame to do as we say so we can have the life we desire. Once we’ve given control of our lives over to others and life circumstances we lose ourselves even more.

If we want the control of our life back, we must first look within. That’s when we meet our inner muse. That’s when we start creating our own lives rather than to depend on others and life circumstances to create it for us. The most recent event (at this timeline that I’m writing this on Saturday April 25 2020) that’s affecting billions of people, businesses, events on this great earth is of course the Coronavirus. I prefer to say COVID-19 Because there have been several Coronaviruses that haven’t had the effect that this individual one known as COVID-19 has had. Because COVID - 19 is new no one knows for sure what it will do. They can only estimate in accordance to how the flu and other Coronaviruses have behaved. Because they don’t know for sure what it will do they want to be extra cautious on how to handle it. However in doing so it’s creating havoc on the economy. This also adds fuel to the political battle fires that have been burning in a royal blaze for years. People are frighten, angry, unsure, concerned, and intimidated by this invisible entity. It has changed so many lives, taken so many lives and threaten so many jobs, homes, and livelihood. People feel they have no control or freedom, anymore. They want their lives , jobs, and small business that’s now threaten back. Out of desperation many no longer care about the cost of lives involved. They just want their old normal life back where their jobs, homes and livelihood is secure.

What does this have to do with the inner muse?

It’s even more important to connect with your inner muse in these times. It’s times like this we need the internal inspiration to break away from the havoc and chaos around us and recreate our lives. We could choose to moan and groan, blame shift, bicker at others and demand our old lives back. That will only create more frustration, fear, anger and trouble. That puts the control of your life into the hands of others that may not want it. That leads to demanding that those we put in control to do as we demand. We could choose to somehow make it for for us. That means be willing to make changes in our lives. We’re going to have a new normal anyway rather we like it or not. That part we don’t have control over. The part we do have control over if we so choose is what that new normal is. For those who have no interest in starting their own business or for business owners don’t want to expand or change it. You basically want to go back to what you had before. You may want to simply think about temporary taking on an essential temporary job. Because certain needs have expanded many companies desperately need people right now to work only on a temperer bases until the crisis is over. It may not be what you want in a job but better than going broke and will hold you over for a little while. For others this becomes a time to be creative, explore areas you haven’t explored before. Try things that you’ve been putting on the back burner and starting a whole new exciting life for you. This crises could be a blessing for many if they would give it a chance. In order to turn this into a blessing one must first connect with their inner muse.

I’m impressed each time I see someone on the news that has opened their hearts, got creative and came up with ways to help make life a little more pleasant for others during this tough time while maintaining the 6 foot rule. It become obvious to me that these people have been in contact with their inner muse. Instead of allowing the circumstances to control their lives therefore becoming a victim of circumstance, they made a more progressive choice. By deciding to connect with their inner muse they turned their talents and abilities to a blessing for all. In turn becoming a blessing for them. They took control of their life, then used their life to help make things better for others.

It’s not uncommon for the inner muse to ask its host questions like;

  • How can I make things better?

  • What can I do that would help?

  • How can I make this work for me?

  • How can I make this work for others?

  • How can I use this situation to enhance myself?

  • How can I use this siduatin to enhance others lives?

  • How can I turn this into a blessing?

So on and so forth.

When the coronavirus took hold in other countries, many of us in the United States started to become concerned. Even then many of us didn’t want to believe that it would hit the United States in the same way it did around the world. We wanted to believe that the United States is immuned to that type of havoc. We should have learned from 9/11 . Even though like many I felt this could turn serious I didn’t want to face it or admit it to myself. I had often said I feared people’s response to the Coronavirus more so did the virus itself. I knew even as I repeated those words I chose to live a lie. Yes even though I know better I didn’t want to face it, until it stared me in the face. It seems as humans we have a part of us that would rather deny the existence of something so terrifying than face it.

I can’t deny my spidey senses had been triggered about something. I still didn’t want to face the whole reality of it. Therefore I figured I wasn’t supposed to know it until it happens. I remember telling my significant other something’s about to happen soon. I don’t know what it is, but I’ll know it when it happens. When it happens things well get worse before it gets better. When it happens my life will change so will the lives of people around me. I told him, whatever it is, I don’t know what it is, I’m not suppose to know it until it happens, it will change me for good. I’ll know the right time to act and what to do when it’s time. I even wrote about it in my journal. Soon after I told my significant other that, something minor happen in the family that appeared major for a day or so then it all worked out. When it happen I remember my significant other saying you said something would happen soon that would change your life this is it. I looked at him, thought no this doesn’t feel like it. Like I said it all worked out wasn’t any great change.

When the coronavirus news started to hit closer and closer to home it soon became obvious a big change was coming and coming soon. We were about to get hit hard. That’s when I knew, this is it. Around the time that the shelter in place was being considered one of my massage clients accidentally coughed in my face. At first I didn’t think much about it figuring it’s just allergies. Then it dawned on me, it maybe and probably is allergies but I don’t know that for sure. A couple of days after my cough started getting worse. I figured it maybe allergies as I suffer the same thing every year around this time. Often when my allergies start getting worse I do have difficulty breathing. Then again, I didn’t know for sure. At that point for my safety and for the safety of my clients I placed myself in quarteen. I let company I’m contracted with know that I’m not feeling well to take me off the schedule. Soon after before I took myself out of my 14 day self quarantine Dallas began to shut down. Business we’re ordered to shut their doors.

At first I started listening to my inner muse. Asked the question how do I make this work for me? What can I do to both help myself out and others? That’s when I started making videos for a YouTube channel. I’ve been wanting to start one for several years. I wanted to have a cartoon me on with the real me but I never got around to learning how to do that. I decided I can learn that later to start with what I have. In some of them you can see me take a break to breath. At times I started running out of breath. My allergies will do that as well when I’m excited and talking fast. My inner muse told me the extra time on my hands I could use to start the business I’ve been wanting to do. Even though the allergies started to bother me I had something to do. I started feeling better. No matter how many times I took my temperature it never went up. I figured yep just allergies.

I started listening to my subconscious thinking. The I can’t, I don’t know how, this is to hard, I’ll never be able to do this or that. I began to feel discouraged and angry. I began to express that anger and fear on YouTube. Not on my channel but while continuously listing to new coronavirus updates. I wrote a little bit about it on the blog entitled “ “

I actually started getting disappointed in myself, feeling shame for my thought process, actions and behavior. I watched on TV as other people were doing things to make the situation better. I instead complained on YouTube and allowed myself to get into senseless arguments while wasting time.

One night I prayed these words. Putting aside making money, or my business, the way I want to feel each day, I want to wake up in the morning with something to look forward too and go to bed at night with the feeling of accomplishment. I don’t know what specific thing I want to do anymore. What I do know is, I want to do something I enjoy doing, I want it to help others. I want to make some type of contribution to this world, I need an income.

Within two days I got up and realized I’m paying for a website I’m not working on because I allowed myself to get discouraged. I’m paying monthly on it I no longer have an income. It’s time for me to get into this website and see what I can do. See what I can figure out. As I began to do that what at one time seemed like a drudgery for me to do when I went through my boohoo fearful angry stage now felt exciting. As I began to work on it I realised what at first seemed to hard to do I am figuring out. That felt good. I started once again waking up in the morning feeling excited and going to bed feeling like I’ve accomplished something. I started watching the depressing YouTube stuff less and less because I feel too anxious to get to work on the website.

I still get into a few spates here in there when I’m taking a break but not near as many or near as intense. They don’t bother me as much.

I’m now moving forward, I now have something I can do, I’m taking back control of my life.

In this story I’m talking about two things, one my internal muse, the other my connection with source. I have a spiritual connection with source. That connection has both an internal to external, and external to internal communication. That’s depending on rather I’m sending or receiving. My Muse has an internal response to external circumstance. The connection and communication happens internally.

The connection with source told me something’s about to change. That’s a feeling I kept getting within, it came from my connection with source. Often when I would get uploads I would get more information. As it turned out the reason I wasn’t supposed to know what the change will happen had been misread. I already knew I just didn’t want to face it. Basically my source informed me I’ll face it when I’m ready.

My source also told me that things will get better. That in June I will have a better understanding. I’ll see things much clearer, my new life will start to take shape. During my internal downtime I held onto that faith even when I gave into fear and anger. I kept praying you said things will change and they did . I would say, I didn’t think it meant for the whole world. I thought you were talking about my personal world. I added you also said things well get worse before they get better. I believe you, I know they’ll get better. You said that in June I’ll have a better understanding, things will get clearer for me and my life will take shape. I don’t understand it now, but I do believe you.

It wasn’t until I got back in touch with my internal muse that began to have a better understanding. Before I kept in touch with my source, some may call God, some call the Universe, some call Higher Self, some call intuition. Whatever you call it, I trust that source. Even though I maintained a connection with source I lost connection with my internal muse. When I reconnected with my internal muse ideas started flowing in my mind. I began to take action on those ideas I began to take back control of my life. Each day now I’m once again excited to get up in the morning looking forward to whatever I have plan to accomplish. Each night I go to bed with a sense of accomplishment.

That’s one of the many reasons why getting to know your inner muse is very important. That muse knows you inside and out. That muse can lead you to your true self. That muse keeps you moving forward no matter what.


What Me Wear a plain White Mask.


It’s time to get Creative

Dream it.

When circumstances decide to interfere with your life. When Life decided to interfere with your plans. It’s time to call on your internal muse and get creative.


Build it.

Time to Rebuild your life.

Allow your internal muse to inspire you from inside out.


Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.