Time to learn about you.

Who are you? Really

Believe it or not you’re not just a name

Your not just a family member.

You’re not just a friend.

You’re not just an employee

You’re not just a title

You’re more than just a person.

You’re an individual part of the whole, the essence of your true self.

What is that, what is the whole, what is this essence?

Wow making it hard on me aren’t you. The whole being all that is, Part of this world, part of this Universe. Whatever the whole is to you, you are part of that. Being part of that you’re connected at all times. Even when you don’t feel it. However You are an Individual Part of the whole. Meaning you’re not only part of the whole you’re and individual as well. It’s the individual you we’re talking about when asked; Who are you really?

We feel the connection to the physical each time we take time out to walk in the woods, Eat, exercise,make love. Anything physical you can think of we connect too.

We feel the connection to the universe when we gaze at the stars, look at the sky, stare at the clouds, stand in the rain, watch the storm.

We feel a spiritual connection when we pray, meditate or become intune with nature.

When do we feel the connection to ourselves?

You may have already from time to time stumbled onto that feeling, that connection with self. Have you ever had a gut feeling about something? Have you ever loved someone with your whole heart, Have you ever felt uneasy about something or someone. That’s when you know that you’re body is talking to you.

Your body talks to you in several different ways. It tells you when you’re hungry. It tells you when you’re not feeling well. It tells you when something is wrong, Physically Mentally and Emotionally. Learning the many ways your body talks to you and what it’s saying is one of the many tools used to discover who you are. But only one of the many.

I’m sure you’ve heard about your conscious, subconscious or even unconscious thinking. Did you know that your brain isn’t the only part of your body that has a mind. Did you know that your heart’s electromagnetic field is 60 times greater in amplitude than that of the brain. In fact your heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the body. When you learn how to listen to your heart it tells you a lot about who you really are.

In these lessons I will share with you my experiences how I’ve learned to listen to my inner self. I will show you techniques I’ve pick up throughout my years of searching for my truth.

As I began to remove the layers of deception I’ve been carrying throughout the years I’ve discovered some amazing things about myself. I discovered how many different thought processes I’ve been trained to think that wasn’t part of who I am. I found out that I had dreams I long ago pushed aside believing their only pip dreams. Imagine my surprise to find out the many things I actually liked but never allowed myself to believe it. Imagine the new and wonderful life I opened up when I began to say yes instead of I can’t. In fact it wasn’t until recently when I finally admitted to myself I’ve always liked the color gold. For many years I would never allow myself to admit I like the color gold. Imagine that, something that appears so miner and mundane I would allow myself to accept. Somewhere for some reason I bought the lie that it’s vain to like gold.

It’s amazing how many little pleasures I denied myself the permission to like and enjoy. As crazy as it may sound we as humans mess out on so much because we believe we’re not supposed to have this or feel this or like this. We settle for mediocre and run our lives on other people’s opinions and approval.

I couldn’t began to tell you the sensational feeling of freedom I had each time I would stumble onto another layer of deception and remove it. I would actually feel lighter. I could actually feel the weight left off my shoulders. Sometimes I would almost believe I could fly.

I didn’t get from where I was to where I am overnight. I have had drastic setbacks from time to time. But I would always pick myself up, dust myself off and start moving forward again. I had a goal I continue to walk towards. I wanted to know truth, I wanted to know my eternal truth, I wanted to know me. Not just me, I wanted to know the truth of all that is. my higher self,source, creator or that which some call God. I discovered in my search I first had to know self, through that self then I could really connect. When I connect.. Wow, awesome things began to happen. You don’t have to believe in God or even a creator for this to work. Just open yourself up and allow yourself to learn who you really are and be yourself. When you learn about that wonderful self you can open up a whole new world.

Option One

I’m currently in the processes of creating a wonderful downloadable product for you. Teaching you some basic steps on how to start listing to your internal self. I may also work on additional digital downloadable products to help you continue on your new path. It will also give you more options.

Meanwhile,continue to come back and check out my site, See what’s new, Check out the blogs. Thank You…

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